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May 6, 2023

Questions Every Entrepreneur Can Ask to Take Inventory Every Month and Quarter

Questions Every Entrepreneur Can Ask to Take Inventory Every Month and Quarter

As entrepreneurs with a million different hats to wear and fires to put out in our businesses every day, it can be difficult to stay on top of all the moving parts. From marketing and sales to client management and financial planning, there are countless responsibilities to juggle.

One effective way to keep yourself organized and focused is to regularly take inventory of your life and business by asking yourself a set of critical questions. By taking the time to assess your progress, identify areas for improvement, and create action plans to achieve your goals, you can set yourself up for short-term and long-term success.

We're big believers that "nothing happens by mistake," so sitting down with yourself on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis to ask questions and put things into focus gives you a level of intention and discipline to make sure you're on the right track.

Find the questions that work for you, but we've compiled a list of our favorites within each category and area of your business:


  1. How am I progressing towards my business goals, and what adjustments do I need to make to stay on track?
  2. What new opportunities have arisen since my last check-in, and how can I take advantage of them?
  3. What are my top priorities for the coming weeks or months, and how can I ensure that I stay focused on them?
  4. What are the biggest challenges I'm facing right now, and how can I overcome them?
  5. How satisfied am I with my work-life balance, and what changes can I make to improve it?
  6. What feedback have I received from customers or clients, and how can I use this to improve my products or services?
  7. What new skills or knowledge do I need to acquire to stay competitive, and how can I acquire them?
  8. What have I accomplished since my last check-in, and what have I learned from these experiences?
  9. How is my financial situation, and what steps can I take to improve it?
  10. What are my long-term goals for my business and my life, and how can I ensure that I'm making progress towards them?

Product or Service:

  1. How can I package my services to create clear and compelling offerings that attract clients?
  2. How can I position my services as unique and valuable in the market?
  3. How can I standardize my service delivery process to increase efficiency and consistency?
  4. How can I customize my services to meet the specific needs and preferences of each client?
  5. How can I use client feedback and data to improve service quality and client satisfaction?
  6. How can I leverage technology to automate and scale service delivery without sacrificing quality?
  7. How can I offer upsells or add-ons to increase revenue per client?
  8. How can I diversify my service offerings to reduce reliance on a single type of service?
  9. How can I test and validate new service ideas before launching them?
  10. How can I position myself as an expert or authority in my field to increase client trust and confidence?

Customers / Clients:

  1. How can I define my target audience more precisely to create more relevant and effective marketing messages?
  2. How can I build stronger relationships with my clients through personalized communication and attention?
  3. How can I create a client referral program to encourage word-of-mouth marketing?
  4. How can I track and analyze client data to identify trends and opportunities for improvement?
  5. How can I offer exceptional client experiences to differentiate myself from competitors?
  6. How can I manage client expectations effectively to avoid conflicts or misunderstandings?
  7. How can I create a pricing model that balances affordability with profitability?
  8. How can I offer client incentives or promotions to encourage repeat business or referrals?
  9. How can I create a customer loyalty program to reward and retain long-term clients?
  10. How can I respond to client feedback or complaints in a timely and professional manner to maintain positive relationships?


  1. How can I create a clear and compelling brand identity that reflects my values and expertise?
  2. How can I optimize my website and online presence to attract and convert leads?
  3. How can I create a content strategy that educates and engages my target audience?
  4. How can I use social media and other online platforms to build my brand and generate leads?
  5. How can I use email marketing to nurture leads and promote my services?
  6. How can I collaborate with other businesses or influencers to expand my reach and credibility?
  7. How can I measure and analyze my marketing metrics to identify areas for improvement?
  8. How can I create a marketing budget that maximizes my ROI?
  9. How can I use advertising or paid marketing channels to reach new audiences and generate leads?
  10. How can I stay up-to-date with the latest marketing trends and technologies to remain competitive?


  1. How can I create a sales process that is clear, efficient, and client-focused?
  2. How can I create sales collateral or proposals that communicate my value proposition effectively?
  3. How can I use sales scripts or templates to streamline my sales conversations and increase conversions?
  4. How can I use automation tools to follow up with leads and nurture relationships?
  5. How can I track and analyze my sales metrics to identify areas for improvement?
  6. How can I offer discounts or promotions to close deals or incentivize new clients?
  7. How can I create a sales script or checklist to ensure consistency and quality in the sales process?
  8. How can I use client testimonials or case studies to build credibility and trust with prospects?
  9. How can I create a sales funnel that guides prospects through the decision-making process?
  10. How can I provide exceptional client onboarding to start new projects on the right foot?

Overall Strategy:

  1. How can I create a long-term vision for my business that aligns with my values and goals?
  2. How can I create a business plan that outlines my objectives, strategies, and tactics?
  3. How can I create a budget and financial plan that accounts for expenses, revenue, and growth?
  4. How can I use goal-setting and tracking to measure progress and stay motivated?
  5. How can I prioritize my time and resources to focus on high-value activities and projects?
  6. How can I create a network of mentors, peers, or advisors to support my business growth and development?
  7. How can I stay up-to-date with industry trends, best practices, and emerging technologies?
  8. How can I test and experiment with new strategies or ideas to validate their effectiveness?
  9. How can I create systems and processes to increase efficiency and consistency in my business operations?
  10. How can I balance short-term wins with long-term growth to ensure sustainable success?

Time Management:

  1. How can I prioritize tasks and activities to focus on high-value work?
  2. How can I optimize my workflow and schedule to increase productivity and reduce distractions?
  3. How can I use time-blocking or batching to manage my time more effectively?
  4. How can I delegate or outsource tasks that are not in my core competencies or take up too much time?
  5. How can I create a work-life balance that allows me to recharge and avoid burnout?
  6. How can I create a routine that supports my productivity and well-being?
  7. How can I track and analyze my time usage to identify areas for improvement?
  8. How can I set realistic deadlines and milestones for my projects and goals?
  9. How can I use productivity tools or apps to stay organized and focused?
  10. How can I say no to requests or opportunities that don't align with my priorities or values?

Financial Management:

  1. How can I create a budget that accounts for expenses, revenue, and growth?
  2. How can I track and analyze my financial data to identify areas for improvement or growth opportunities?
  3. How can I save or invest my profits to support future growth or mitigate risks?
  4. How can I manage my cash flow effectively to ensure sustainability and growth?
  5. How can I create a pricing model that balances affordability with profitability?
  6. How can I use accounting software or tools to streamline financial management?
  7. How can I project revenue and expenses to plan for future investments or growth opportunities?
  8. How can I use financial metrics or ratios to evaluate my business performance and benchmark against competitors?
  9. How can I create a financial plan that aligns with my long-term goals and vision?
  10. How can I create a tax plan that minimizes my liability and compliance risks?